When I opened my eyes, I realized I was in a big room.
The largest room I've ever been in...
There was light, not a blinding light, but a peaceful and gentle light. The light was warm. The light was transparent,
and I did not know where it came from.
There was a sweet fragrance that filled the air. It was familiar to me, but it took me some time before I realized
it was the fragrance of fruit trees. Not overpowering, but just lingering in the air. I had a sense that I was
not alone and yet I saw no one around me. Everything that was in the room was pure gold and jewel encrusted. And
there was a large Throne in the center, massive in size. The biggest thing I have ever seen. I felt so small and
yet I felt so big. It was a feeling of exhilaration. I was not anxious at all; the feeling was more of thrilling
expectation. Then I heard a great voice say, "Look, and behold the Father," and as my eyes lifted to
the Throne I saw my God. I saw the One, the Ancient of Days, sitting on His Throne with the biggest smile, the
biggest smile I had ever seen. And such love, such love!
All around the Throne were the colors of emeralds, and sapphires, and rubies, it was a rainbow and it was awesome
to view.
I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know if I should open my mouth.
I felt as if we were communicating, but it wasn't by sound, it was by thought. As soon as I thought something there
would come an answer, my heart leaped within me.
Then I saw the Son of God who appeared in the room, whose presence was so dynamic. I had such a sense of well being.
He stretched forth His hand to me and said, "Come my child, come closer, COME!"
As I started to walk across the room, I realize I wasn't walking at all, I was floating. I was floating across
the room, and since it was such a large room I was floating with great speed...

I stood before the Ancient of Days. I looked to the Savior
who was dressed in such dazzling white. On His head He wore a crown of gold that said; King of Kings and Lord of
As I was looking at Him, He once again stretched forth His hands to me. This time to show me the nail marks in
them. I said, "Oh Lord" and He said this is for you. When I told you, you were holy and righteous, you
did not believe me at first; but then as you came to trust me and know me, you believed! And because you believe
on me, you have the right to stand before a Holy God. Such love, such love.
As I looked at myself I was transparent at first. And then I had a body like His. I was in white, and I was in
my new glorified body and there was not any pain in my body, just such joy, such love and peace. Oh what love,
what joy, what peace! And I heard this music and voices, oh what a sound.
As I listened my heart grew lighter and lighter. I felt as if I was a bubble, floating up and about to burst. In
the throne room is a river that flows straight through the middle. Then I saw the fruit trees that have the fruits
for the nations, and the leaves for their healing! Oh how beautiful everything is. Everything is all gold and dazzling
white. And there are jewels everywhere. The gates are huge giant shiny pearls, full of the most beautiful luster
and colors I have ever seen. Colors are much more colorful up here. Everything has a fresh new look, and the people,
there just such joyous creatures. Oh heaven is so beautiful.
Oh what a feeling. I can't tell you what I am experiencing. The presence of the Father and the Son and the Spirit,
it's awesome!
The architecture of the city, I've never seen nothing like it on earth. It's beautiful and I see people I know,
happy people. And there are angels everywhere, their large, tall and regal and so helpful.
Heaven is wonderful. Heaven is wonderful.
Listen to the music, to the sound of the heavens. Listen with your heart, and you will hear the angels sing. It
awaits everyone who puts their TRUST in Jesus, Yeshua, everyone who believes in the Lord.
Put your TRUST in Him. Listen with your heart; you will hear the angels singing!
{Humming to the music_ah ah ah_ah_ah mmmmmm}
Listen with your heart! Listen with your heart!
You will hear the angels singing_dah_dah_ "He's
the only Way!"
Yeshua saves!
All Words © 1992 by Barbara A. Di Gilio
Use by Written Permission Only
I'd like to thank Rev. Debbie Kirk for her work of taking
my words off of my tape, and writing them down for me. I have always wanted to do that; I just could never found
the time. Todah rabbah Debbie, you are an angel for doing this for me, I love you my sister.